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Sacraments at St. Robert Parish

Sacraments are signs of God's grace in our lives. 
The seven sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important for Catholic Christians.

Would you like to have your son or daughter baptized?  Baptisms generally are celebrated on the fourth Saturday of the month. We offer classes for parents to prepare for the Sacrament on a regular basis. To prepare for the commitment of Baptism, we ask that the parents and godparents be present for the classes.  Godparents who live outside the parish boundaries may attend the pre-baptismal classes in their parish and present a letter of attendance prior to the baptism date.

Please contact the parish office for more information.  


If you are an adult seeking Baptism, please look to the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults process for more information.


First Reconciliation is built into our Children’s Faith Formation program and students usually receive the Sacrament in 2nd grade. For adults who have not yet received the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults process is a place for preparation.


Confessions are held every Saturday from 4 - 4:45 pm in the Church.


If needed outside the normal scheduled time, please call the Parish Office at (916) 451-1475 ext. 4, for an appointment.


In the Diocese of Sacramento, First Communion is available for children beginning in 2nd grade. Preparation for elementary students is done through classes in our Children’s Faith Formation program.

For adults who have yet to receive their First Communion, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)  provides information and instruction.  Please contact the parish office at (916) 451-1475.


If you have already received your first communion, see our Mass Schedule to receive this Sacrament regularly.


Confirmation is receiving the Holy Spirit and sealing us in the gifts given to us at Baptism. In the Diocese of Sacramento, students receive this Sacrament in 8th grade, which is the end of a two year preparation process. See our Confirmation program for more information.


For adults who have not yet received Confirmation, we invite you to inquire about Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).  Please contact the parish office at (916) 451-1475.


Are you preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage?  We look forward to speaking with you and preparing you for this lifelong vocation! Please contact the parish office at least six months before your planned wedding date to begin the preparation process.  The office phone number is (916) 451-1475.

Holy Orders

Do you feel a calling towards a religious vocation? We encourage you to speak with the Office of Vocations at the Diocese of Sacramento.

Anointing of the Sick

The Catholic Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing for physical, mental, and spiritual sickness. This sacrament of healing is an extension of Jesus' healing of the sick.


​The priests at St. Robert Parish are available by appointment to perform the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. If you or a loved one would like to receive this sacrament from one of our clergy, please contact the Parish Office.  The office phone number is (916) 451-1475.


Although a funeral is not one of the seven sacraments, it takes place around the altar of the Eucharist. Funerals help us express our love for those who have died and receive God's love in our mourning. Please contact the parish office at (916) 451-1475  if you are considering having a funeral at St. Robert.


We are Catholic faith community in the Hollywood Park area of Sacramento. 

We strive to be a community of intentional stewards, grateful and generous in all we do.


(916) 451-1475


2243 Irvin Way
Sacramento, CA  95822


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